Sunday, January 28, 2007

Interesting afternoon.....

Well, we had an interesting afternoon! Jon was down from Stockton visiting so after the fellowship meal in church we came back home for a chat and a cup of tea. We were chatting away and Jon was saying that he hadn't seen our backyard so ended up going out there to see how big (or small) it is.

When he got outside we heard barking and wondered where it was coming from.Will our neighbour that made so much noise passed away around a month ago and though the dog has been taken away, he finds his way back to the house and will bark in the middle of the day and the middle of the night. Anyway we looked down the alleyway between Wills house and ours and Dylan the dog was there shivering on an old piece of carpet. Someone had to have put him there as the alleydoor was closed and he couldn't have found any other way in.

Next was the enticement of Dylan with love, chocolate biscuits, water and warmth into our house by Esther while Jon and I listened, impressed with her negotiation skills. I rang the RSPCA only to find that it is not a matter that they can deal with and we have to wait for the Dog Warden tomorrow who is on call between 9 and 5 Monday-Friday. So I'm currently writing this with a new lodger sitting beside me! He's been watered and fed but how long he'll be with us who knows!!!

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