Tuesday, November 14, 2006

This time next week!!

Woohooo!! This time next week I'll hopefully be sleeping peacefully in Becky Rasdall's apartment in Washington DC, ready for a day touring Congress and the Holocaust Museum!! I am so looking forward to it....my first real break from home, Holywell, Church and family in 2 years (though that was a holiday in Greece with Dad!!) and I am definitely in need of it...just to get away, refresh, get a different perspective on things.

Between now and then though I still have to work my normal week, 2 lunches out with work colleagues, a dental appointment, youth group, ladies cell group, meet a friend, dinner at Anne's, a weekend in Ellel doing the course, pick Becky Hill up from the airport, School of Leaders.....oh and pack!! I'm hoping I'll sleep on the plane as don't think there'll be that much on the agenda otherwise!!!

On another note I was so blessed last night, a dear friend/encourager/mentor e-mailed me what she saw as my good qualities and gifts....I cried while I read it as I found it difficult to believe that someone would think such nice things about me...awful how we believe the lies of the devil so much easier than the truth....and I am claiming it to be the truth what this person has written about me.....I was so blessed by it. We live in such a society at the moment where it's easier to rip people down than build them up. Where we fear encouraging people incase we look like a goody-too-shoes or we will have risked something of ourselves with gaining nothing in return. I know in youth group last week we did an exercise where you wrote your own name at the top of the piece of paper and then it was passed around the group and everyone wrote a positive comment about you...some of the kids were blown away that others actually thought that they were pretty and had a nice a smile, were fun to be with and had a caring nature. So sad that this isn't the norm.

Anyway must run and start my hectic schedule for the day!!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Bonfire party

It's Guy Fawkes night here tomorrow evening which is normally celebrated with bonfires and fireworks. We had ours (as a church) as it was a Saturday evening. Had a good time and I was really blessed as my Dad came along. He normally keeps away from these kind of things as he fears that he's going to be hit around the head with a bible and told to convert, but he seemed to really enjoy himself....was such a blessing.

Apart from that, seems to be all quiet. Am shattered and though it's only 21:50 on a Saturday evening, think that I'l be going to bed once Friends finishes on TV in 10 minutes! How sad!!
