Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Preaching on giants

As some of you know I preached in church on Sunday.....a very scary yet rewarding experience. There were so many things that I learnt about myself, about God and just about people in general. It was based uon the book to the right called "Facing your Giants" by Max Lucado. A book I would highly recommend and could easily be read in day.

It talks about the "giants" that David faced, not only the human one we know as Goliath but also the temptation, discouragment, loneliness etc that were giants in his life and can be giants in ours too. Sometimes I feel like these giants are so much louder in their pronouncements in my life than God is but I know that that isn't true.

The sermon went well (i think!) and I had great feedback from people. I always remember Mike Pilivaci saying that he wanted to graduate from youth preaching to adult preaching, and to a degree I have to admit that I went in with that kind of mindset.....so wrong to have that. With the youth it is a lot easier to provoke them to respond and they're quite used to interactive preachign where they also have to give their thoughts and ideas. It was great preaching to a different group of people with different needs and issues; but you do have to focus on the people that look like they're engaged and following what you're saying. That is not to say that people aren't listening, the feedback implies that are a number of people were; but when your uncle falls asleep for 5 minutes during the sermon and can only tell you that you spoke about 5 stones, you have to learn to laugh it off-don't let that giant tell me that what I had preached was worthless and sent people to sleep!! What was awesome is that my Dad came, my Aunt Mag and Uncle Tom, and my Aunt Lyn.....they all thoroughly enjoyed it and felt that they had been very much welcomed at the church, it felt like a family. Dad is even talking about coming back for Easter Sunday.....praise the Lord!

Anyway I feel like there is so much going on in my head at the moment, yet don't know where to start writing it.....maybe thats why I haven't posted in a while!


Monday, March 12, 2007


.....and I've just managed to dribble tea down my white vest....I think I need to go home!

Mmmmmm sleep!

Woke up this morning with a real feeling of not wanting to face the week. Am not normally like this and don't mind getting up in the morning; especially with the light mornings coming. I think I'm looking forward to the 10 days leave that I'm taking in April where I have nothing planned except lie ins and spending time with friends so am subconsciously winding down for that and I was in Ellel Friday to yesterday and always find that exhausting.
I think I may have been better staying in bed as have just managed to spill my first cup of coffee of the day down my white blouse in work. Praise God I had a white vest top on underneath and have just taken the blouse off and put my jacket back on........do I need to start keeping clean clothes in the office!?!?! With my track record of spilling things down myself I'd say yes!!
Anyway the weekend was good; God spoke to me about loads of different things. Am clinging too them now and not allowing the enemy to steal them away.
Must get back to work!