Thursday, August 10, 2006

One thing that really winds me up is people who have an opinion yet it is so completely uninformed and unsubstantive that it borders on ignorance. What winds me up even more is when this opinion is given with passion and vigour as if that is going to make the argument any more true or correct.

Sadly there are some people that I have met this morning (I won't say in what context in case by some major fluke they read this!) that are exactly like this. This morning I was listening to the news on the radio with shivers going down my spine as they described how Heathrow is currently closed to check-ins due to the stringent demands on checking in overwhelming thier lack of staff and the fact all other airports in the UK have banned all hand luggage except documentation and small wallet/ MP3 players, books, extra set of clothes, glasses case etc. Later I listened from afar to a conversation as one person said that the stringent checks and banning of hand luggage were "pathetic" and all the blame should go on "Mr Blair and Mr Bush".

Firstly do you really think that the victims of 9/11 in New York or 7/7 in London would have thought these precautions were "pathetic" if they knew it was going to halt the terrorsits as much as is humanly possible. Though I would sigh and be disappointed that the trolly load of hand luggage I normally take on such as books, games, music etc would have to go in the hold, I would be thankful that these rules were in place to protect me. Aaahhh, what is wrong with people! I am thankful that I don't know the full story, otherwise I may never go anywhere again!

Secondly, what a narrow minded view that it's all Mr Bush and Mr Blairs fault. Now I am no major patriot. I am proud to be British but know that the sun does not shine out of our PrimeMinisters bum and have become slightly exasperated with his antics of late (a conversation where it was obvious he has no backbone in conversing with Mr Bush, no denounciation of Israel's bloody attacks, rocketing house prices, ailing health and education system) but I know that there is so much more to what these terrorists hate than just 2 individuals in the spotlight. It's an attack on our democracy, and on our freedom. A statement, by killing hundreds of people, saying 'remember us, you can't bully us like you think'. I know that some of the choices that our governments have made have not been the best (eg Afghanistan, where has that got us. The Taliban is still active, we don't know when our soldiers will come home, there are still casualities and deaths there and as we take over from the American troops in the South there is more of a risk of attacks and deaths) and we've antagonised other countries but when misinformed people spout there opinion to everyone else these other people take it on as their own and the truth gets diluted a little bit more again. I mean these 20 people that have been arrested over night (apparently it was 10 flights they were targetting) were British!! Surely this says something about our country, not just the past 10 years that Blair has been in power!

It does worry me the world we live in today. The other segment on the news was about highly enriched urnanium that was removed from a research lab in Warsaw by American, Russian and Polish officials and taken to Russia to be made safe. This was so that it wouldn't fall into the hands of terrorists who could make a nuclear missile out of it.

They say that we have been put on high alert for a terrorist attack; surely we are on a state of high alert constantly now with the world that we live in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words....preach it, sister!