I have no idea whats got into me at the moment!!
I seem to be buying DVDs like it's gone out of fashion! I managed to get The American President fr £5.99 from play.com. I love this movie. It reminds me so much where the West Wing came from as the director of this movie moved onto direct and write The West Wing as a behind-the-scenes-what-goes-on-in-the-White-House. Secondly, also bought Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants after seeing it with Amy in the States in December. This was also a bargain at £5.99 and is sucha great chick flick........reminds me of true friendship and the fact that it can span oceans and any situation. Then today I was in Somerfield and there was the 2 Bridget Jones DVDs in one package for £6.99!
I love Bridget Jones, there are so many typically British things in there, and so many typically single situations and reactions; though I think the majority of them are just female reactions and fears that we do and have!! I love the fact that she wears the big knickers to pull her tummy in, the way she walks in her dress (thats so me, trying to look pretty but coming off as walking like a penguin!!), the way she just sits and watches Mark sleeping (I can se this being something I do when I'm married), the little white lies she tells of being able to ski (sooooo something that I used to do!), the way she tests him to see whether he's true to her or not. This movie makes me laugh and cringe at the same time!! Anyway going to get back to movie now!