Friday, November 19, 2004

Winter has arrived

Woke up this morning to find 2 inches of snow had fallen over night. How exciting!!! Winter has definintely arrived earlier this year. It is one of those crisp days outside with the sun shining and the snow still covering the hills behind us. Our caretaker is walking around the building at the moment whistling Jingle Bells!
I was eating an orange before and all things Christmas / winter were coming back to me,
Christmas day church service and the true knowledge of why we celebrate this time of year
Cinnamon tea (which by the way I still can't find over here!!!)
Warm fires
Walks through frost covered fields bundled up in winter clothes
'Seeing' your breath
Home baked cakes
Decorating the house in Christmas decorations
Candles be more than just 2 people in a family again.......
What are your favourite Christmas / winter activities / memories?


Stephanie said...

Hi Emma
I don't mind you reading my blog at all! :o)
Yes, I love all things cosy in winter too....all I need now is a open fire and some hot chocolate!

Anonymous said...


I'm looking forward to snow! Unlike many who live in Michigan, I can't wait for the first big storm resulting in school closings! My favorites include:

*a real crackling wood fire
*no lights on the house, except those on the tree
*watching Sutton and Zack on Christmas morning
*remembering my last Christmas with my Dad
*cinnamon candy canes
*really bundling up to stay warm outside
*opening the blinds in the morning to see fresh snow
*the smell of the house before Christmas Dinner
*sleeping in when its freezing outside!

Thanks for helping me remember!

Ems said...

You'll never know how much what you have just put has brought a flood of memories back to me. Your big tree in your old house....Jeigermeister with Dave.....cinnamon rolls and chilli......a sense of feeling safe in your house. I miss you guys so much it hurts at times