Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Faith in a God who can sometimes be silent

“Faith is the conviction that God knows more than we do about this life and He will get us through it.” - Max Lucado

Hmmmm. Faith is really carrying me through this morning.
I went for a job interview on Monday to a neighbouring county council. It was much better pay, it was a lot more responsibility and i would have been in a managerial role. The interview didn't go as well as i'd hoped (on reflection do we ever feel as though we have done well in an interview) and I came out with this peaceful knowledge that I hadn't got the job, I was still meant to be in the job I'm in and that God had it all in hand.
I think I would have paniced more had they rung me yesterday and told me I had been successful than the response I expected. So the guy from Human Resources rang back yesterday afternoon and duly told me I had been unsuccessful, another guy had had more experience than me but I had done very well in the interview and presented myself very well. He then proceeded to offer me another job. It is basically the job I am doing at the moment but with less responsibility and the same pay. This threw me into a complete quandrum, a response I had not been expecting.
I asked for the evening to think it over and that I would get back to him this morning. I prayed lots and searched my bible. Sadly to no avail from God.....He was pretty silent on the subject. After hearing many people's opinions I sat quietly and said to God "OK, you called me to this job and place, I will not move until you call me out of this job. I need a sure sign that you want me to move into this job". Isn't amazing that when God is silent satan yells at the top of his voice. I woke this morning with a million and one fears in my head that if i didn't take this job I would always be stuck in this county council, that if I did take this job I may be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. It was such conflicted messages that I knew they weren't from God. Yet He has continued to be silent on the subject. So I have decided to stay where I am and not take the job.
One strength I have found is that although He is silent, that silence speaks volumes compared to the clammerings in my head. That silent tells me that He has it in hand. That He has the full picture and knows where I am going. That although I may never know the reason I was offered this job, He does and I do not need to worry about that.
Amazing that silence can bring peace, strength and hope for a situation unknown.


Anonymous said...

Hey Em
Gods plans and timing really are amazing ive been looking for a job too recenntly and just got one about 5 mins ago Thank You God, I was really confused because i had applied to a few places and hadnt heard back from any so i thought right il apply for a morning cleaning job in a shop near where i live and just as i was about to go my phone rang to ask me to an interview in Primark so i thought right i wont go for the cleaning job. After the interview i was very shocked when i got asked to go to a training day but i had classes when it was on and without thinking i said i couldnt make it so i was told they would let me know when the next on was. It wasnt til after i put the phone down that i realised i should heave said yes and just misssed my classes. Well any wayi decided to go and enquire about the cleaning job because for primark i would have to buy trousers shoes and a shirt which i cant afford right now so i asked and they said that they thouht the position had been filled, but then today i got a call to say i had the job yay and i start tomorow morning heres the bad part tho i start at 6.30am til 8am monday to saterday goodbye sleepins. But I am very thankful for the job and Gods timing has really amazed me because when i got the call i should have been in training for primark and if i had have applied the first time i was going to there would have been no job. Sorry if all that doesnt make sense once i get typing it all mingles together.
Had a great weekend too em Love ya lots Heather

Ems said...

Hi poppet
That is fab news and GOds timing is awesome. It sounds like one of those moments where it feels as though God has spoken for you rather than yourself, especially with your response to Primark.
I can imagine it will be hard to get up at that time of the morning, but it may be a good time to pray to God while you are cleaning. I love doing things like that and sometimes have some of my best worship and prayer times when I'm cleaning the loo! Sad I know!!!
Was great to see you at the weekend and glad you survived Jon's driving home! Can't wait to see you again.
Em x x