Monday, May 31, 2010
What was interesting was how many faces it picked up in the background.....the software would ask me the name of the person and whether I wanted to tag them........
It got me thinking - how many peoples pictures am I in the background of that I'll never know about; a simple click of a button and you're captured in someone else's world for what could be years.......what are these peoples stories in the background of our photos......are they happy......are they even with us in this world anymore.........
It's a bit like the seven degrees of separation idea - that we're only a maximum of 7 people away from someone else........
Anyway, just me and my random musings again!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
learning to live better.......

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Radio 1 Alicia Keys North Wales Parody
Every year BBC radio 1 do a "big weekend" festival with loads of well known bands and artists. Anyway this year it's being held in a town called Bangor in North Wales about 40 miles from where I live.
Anyway Alicia Keys has done a song to the music of Empire State of Mind about North Wales.......I love it!
Listen and enjoy xx
Friday, May 07, 2010
post continued
Anyone still out there?!?!?!
The next picture is of the coldest winter we encountered for 30 years in the UK..........sadly people died, it took my cousins wife 7 hours to make it the last 5 miles home as the weather was so bad.......some friends made the 10 mile journey home in 7 hours, it was all a little insane. Picturesque but insane. We are now hoping for a better summer to compensate the frustration of a cold, long, dark winter. I have to say that I quite enjoyed winter being "winter".....though I was lucky. I wasn't stranded anywhere and the worst journey I did was along on the M56 motorway, driving 50mph tops while lorries were overtaking hands gripped the wheel as Sharon prayed all the way home beside me, believing God would get us safely from the leadership conference in interesting time!
The first picture is of course the "7 painted ladies" in San Francsico......I completely fell in love with this city and all of California that I saw. For me it's amazing how whereever I seem to go in the USA, whether I've been there before or not, it feels like home. I get off the plane and feel completely at home.......maybe I need to begin to truly explore this further!
This picture below is of Bethel Church with the prayer house in the left of the picture. It was great to go there- you can sometimes put well known Christians on a pedestal and make them "celebraties" but it was great to see the leadership in their home church, serving their own people and loving their own community - what a privelage to have spent time there.
The weather north of Redding was colder and there was still snow on the ground as you can see. I was able to visit some beautiful parks in the area and the picture below is of Mount Shasta. It truly is a ruggedly beautiful part of the world and even now I crave to go back and spend some more time there........hopefully when its a little warmer next time. And with someone 0ne - I did take a couple of risks with the parks I visited and being the only car in the car park yet still hiking to the look out points after reading what to do if I came across a bear or a mountain lion.....hmm, not the best choice in hindsight!!! ha ha!!!