Saturday, February 09, 2008


I haven't been as faithful a blogger this year as I was in the past.......not too sure what the reason of that was.....busyness, lack of time management and inspiration probably!!
Anyway December was (as it probably was for everyone!) a busy month. I found myself going into work for 7am (which would mean a 5:30 wake up!) on a number of occasions and quite often not getting to bed until midnight (once again I think a lot to do with my lack of time management!!)
A few things that were great about the Dad actually sought help with the doctors and began a 2 week intensive detox and counselling session. The side affects of the detoxing drugs were quite similar to him being drunk to be honest but at least once he was off them you were able to have a stable conversation with him again! This also made Christmas a much more happier and sane time!
We also had my nephews Christmas nativity play in which he was a sheep! For 2 weeks before hand all we could hear around my Dads house was him singing "tweet, tweet, tweet goes the robin; baa, baa, baa goes the sheep; moo, moo, moo goes the wise old cow; in a stable in Bethlehem". I doubt very much there was a robin at the birth of Jesus but he was a happy young soul singing it all!!
I'll do a serparate post for Christmas with some pictures of the little guys and then another post for New Years eve as I was blessed to be at a beautiful wedding, my friend Jo was getting married; so I'll post pictures of that too.

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