Saturday, October 28, 2006

What a cool evening! A group of 10 of us went to Manchester to see Delirious in concert with Tim Hughes supporting! They were was worshipful and their music definitely seems to have taken on a more challenging and 'calling' tone than what it was 3 or 4 years ago. It got me thinking about the first time that I saw Delirious and that was in Michigan when I was living there and was in April 2001. I had only been a Christian 2 months, but it was such a great introduction for me into the Chrisitian music scene. I have a photo up of all of us at that concert; myself, Amy, Becky R, James, Brandon, Cherry, Tomo, Chris W, Keith and well as some others that I can't remember the names of! Such a great time!

Anyway just wanted to to bed now! Another late night! I need to get off this merry go round of life soon! ;- )

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a fun concert, wasn't it? Glad to hear you've got a photo up of us at it. I saw Delirious again this year, also, at a Luis Palau crusade here in Orlando.