Well, Amanda gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl on Sunday morning at 2:20 am. She weighed 7lb 11oz and they have called her Lowri Jade Wilson.
She is absolutely beautiful and has most certainly stolen myself and my Dad's hearts!
Apparently Osian went to see her yesterday afternoon and just kept saying to her "up, up, get up" as he wanted to play with her. He was then trying to give her Ribena to drink and couldn't understand when Amanda said that she couldn't have that....so cute. I think I have the cutest niece and nephew around, though I know I'm biased!
Here are some pictures:
Auntie Emma and Lowri

Lowri Jade Wilson.....the image of her older brother!
Mum, Dad and little Lowri....just missing the Little man in this picture!
she is a doll!!! so cute!!!! wow!!! God's richest blessing on her!! love, amy
Congratulations! She is beautiful, who could ever doubt our Savior when we witness a miracle like this!
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