Monday, December 06, 2004


Just a quick note as I am in work and about to finish as I am only doing a half day.
Sadly Dad is still on the alcohol. He hasn't realyl left the house , or his bed, for a week no apart from going too and from the off licence to get more alcohol.
I arrived home at around 10:45 last night to find him still drunk but no alcohol around him. I couldn't figure out what he had drunk. Inbetween the ramblings and the vacant stares I managed to understand that the alcohol I had hidden in my room (I know hindsight is a wonderful thing) he'd drunk 2/3rds of my litre bottle of 14 year old Glendfiddich whiskey!! That wound me up as in a way that constituted stealing even if it was only from me! Well, there was around 1/4 of the bottle left, plus some Baileys, plus some Glenfiddich liquer and it all went down the sink. I would rather not have any in the house.
Am angry, despaired, guilty, mad, lonely and at my witts end at the moment. A lady from my church e-mailed me the other day and talked about me feeling like an orphan and for the first time it had been put into words how I was feeling, exactly like an orphan, even at the age of 25.
It is trusting that my heavenly father will never abandon, orphan or mentally abuse me with names, swear words and emotional blackmail.
Please continue to keep me in your prayers. Psalm 145 has been a great source of strength and peace over the past few days.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Babe, I am SO sorry that you have had to go through that,
I understand what it feels like to feel trapped, and be in a situation that makes no sense, and hurts.
I hope this helps....

"Clear my name, God; stick up for me against these loveless, immoral people. Get me out of here, away from these lying degenerates. I counted on you God. Why did you walk out on me? Why am I pacing the floor, wringing my hands over these outrageous people?
Give me your lantern and compass, give me a map, so I can find my way to the sacred mountain, to the place of your presence, to enter the place of your worship, meet my exuberant God, sing my thanks with a harp magnificent God, my God." Psalm 43 1-4

I pray that Father God will deliver you, and give you grace. It's not your fault.
Why was Joseph betrayed by his brothers, and treated so unfairly? I don't know, but I do know that God turned it around for His glory and good, in the most wonderful way. I pray that He does the same for you. :o)