Monday, March 12, 2007

Mmmmmm sleep!

Woke up this morning with a real feeling of not wanting to face the week. Am not normally like this and don't mind getting up in the morning; especially with the light mornings coming. I think I'm looking forward to the 10 days leave that I'm taking in April where I have nothing planned except lie ins and spending time with friends so am subconsciously winding down for that and I was in Ellel Friday to yesterday and always find that exhausting.
I think I may have been better staying in bed as have just managed to spill my first cup of coffee of the day down my white blouse in work. Praise God I had a white vest top on underneath and have just taken the blouse off and put my jacket back I need to start keeping clean clothes in the office!?!?! With my track record of spilling things down myself I'd say yes!!
Anyway the weekend was good; God spoke to me about loads of different things. Am clinging too them now and not allowing the enemy to steal them away.
Must get back to work!

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