Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Auntie Lyns 80th Birthday

So here are a couple of pictures from my Auntie Lyns 80th birthday.

She's my Dad's sister - that's a picture of her at the top. She's such a great, generous lady and has been like a surrogate grandmother to me all my life (All my grandparents died before I was born). It was such an honour to celebrate her birthday with her - and hopefully we'll do it on her 90th also!

The second picture is one of the siblings. The front row is Auntie Lyn and Auntie Mag, then behind in the striped shirt is Uncle Dai and my Dad in the blue shirt. Sadly my Uncle Bob passed away 4 years ago - the pciture is incomplete with him. But there's something about this generation that stick so close together. They have coffee every morning at 10am and chew over everything. They look out for one another and will take each other to the doctors, hospital, shopping when needs be. I think that there's a unity with my Dads generation that is missing from mine - a closeness. Whether it can be atributed to war time, or the post modern mindset now, or just the changing times I don't know - but I'm kind of envious of it.

Anyway - here's to my Aunt and hoping to celebrate many more birthdays with her!

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