Well......woke up this morning to find the snow that they have been forecasting for the past couple of days. I've included a couple of pictures below though they're not great quality as they were taken on my phone.

Makes me giggle so much when we get snow here in the UK. While in Michigan it was a foregone conclusion that snow is part of winter, get on with it, work around it and people were prepared for it. Here everyone goes into panic mode when we get snow. I grant that there were certain parts of my 40 minute drive (which normally takes 25) to work this morning that were trecherous, but there were also parts where the yellow car in front of me did not need to be going as slow as 20 mph! Also it was amazing to cross

the Flintshire County boundary into Denbighshire. Granted I work for Denbighshire and suppose should show some loyalty but oh my goodness!!...I went from lovely snow/ice free road to something that resembled a skating rink....without even changing roads!!!
Anyway where ever you are, hope you are warm, happy and able to enjoy the day!
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