Monday, March 27, 2006

My Dog

I know some of you were wondering whether the 3 dogs below are mine or not.....gladly they are not!!! This is a picture of my Dad's dog Penny though. Becky R took it when she came to visit a while back and we went for a walk up to the castle in Denbigh where my Dad lives and where I used to live. I think most people know her to be the barmy animal that she is!!!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

No comment really. I have to say that the Yoda one is my favourite!!!! Hope you have a good day!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I feel so old!

Well the time has come when the little man will be trotting off to school, next Tuesday, with his Bob the Builder backpack, new uniform and the world ahead of him...........he's only 2 and 1/2 how is this happening!! He is joining the nursery at the school that both myself and my brother attended. Only going 2 afternoons a week but it's great as it means that he will have interaction with other children and learn about friendships and socialising. As Amanda has been able to look after him until now he hasn't been to nursery but am hoping that he'll enjoy it and it won't be too hard for Amanda to leave him there. Anyway here is a little photo from my brothers phone of him......I'll try and get a better one when I see him next.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

More snow!

As predicted we had more snow fall last night. Am determined that I am going to be taking advantage of it this time though and going out for a snowball fight or sledging! Here are a couple more photos that I've just taken while popping my head out of the door!! I know for all my dear friends in the States that you will be laughing at the moment (Sadly not enough to go snowmobiling Kendra!!!) seems such a small amount but it is such a novelty here! Anyway hope you enjoy the photos and have a fab weekend.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Well......woke up this morning to find the snow that they have been forecasting for the past couple of days. I've included a couple of pictures below though they're not great quality as they were taken on my phone.

Makes me giggle so much when we get snow here in the UK. While in Michigan it was a foregone conclusion that snow is part of winter, get on with it, work around it and people were prepared for it. Here everyone goes into panic mode when we get snow. I grant that there were certain parts of my 40 minute drive (which normally takes 25) to work this morning that were trecherous, but there were also parts where the yellow car in front of me did not need to be going as slow as 20 mph! Also it was amazing to cross the Flintshire County boundary into Denbighshire. Granted I work for Denbighshire and suppose should show some loyalty but oh my goodness!!...I went from lovely snow/ice free road to something that resembled a skating rink....without even changing roads!!!
Anyway where ever you are, hope you are warm, happy and able to enjoy the day!