Thursday, July 12, 2007

Where have I been!

I promise that I'm in the process of updating...........I lose momentum at times and wonder whether it's worth keeping this up to date......but I have a renewed desire to update as I have holiday pics.......I'll post them in the next few days.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My holidays........

Oh my goodness, I didn't realise that it'd been that long since I'd updated......I can always tell whether life is going good or not by the number of posts that I make on my blog!!

Anyway as an update before I went to the States on my hols there was lots of family drama going on with my brother and I was signed off work for 2 and 1/2 weeks with back pain. Sadly the back pain has returned but I'm trusting in God that I'm going to be healed.

The holiday in the States was awesome and though I didn't get to spend as much time with people as I wanted to (I'd have liked to have caught up with my host family and some other friends) it was still a jam packed time. As it was my Dads first time over there I didn't want to overwhelm him or do too much so hopefully I'll be able to catch up with some people when I'm back there next summer!!

We did so much....Chicago for 2 days........Holland, Michigan for 4 days........Niagara Falls for 2 days........... East Jordan/Charlevoix, Michigan for 3 days........Holland, Michigan for 3 days.......and then the final day bumming around Chicago.....a lot of travelling (in particular me driving) while we were there! Had an awesome time and think that my Dad would move over there if it weren't for the grandchildren!!! Anyway here are some photos as promised!


Dad and I at Cloud Gate or "the bean" in Chicago

Kendra and Quincy on their front porch

Amy and Rodrigo making Smores over the fire on July 4th before the fireworks

Myself, Amy, Rodrigo and Dad on Grand Haven Pier

Dad and I in our gorgeous Poncho's on Maid of the Mist, Niagara Falls

Dad and Pancho on Amy's parents coach! I promised you this photo Amy!!!

Dad having a Root Beer float before we flew home from Chicago....he can't be related to me, he loves the stuff!!!! To me it tastes like toilet cleaner!!!!